Farmer’s Protest 2020: Play, Pause, Stop, Rewind


7 December 2024


Volume 1 – Number 14

How to cite

Rajdeep Roy, Ankhi Mukherjee



The article investigates the farmer’s protest in India (2020-21) against the Indian Agricultural Act of 2020. It focuses on the roles of organisations such as trade unions and civil societies that took part in the protest in 2020-21 beyond partisan politics, the active participation of the women and Dalit farmers, and the counter narratives created by citizen journalism through social media platforms against sustained pro-state discourses from mainstream media. It studies the successes and limitations of the movement in the context of the nature of contemporary Indian politics and its future course.


Farmers’ protest in India 2020-21, Minimum Support Price (MSP), Strike, Indian Agricultural Act of 2020